Our family of Allies and Collaborators grows with strength and consistency. We welcome the International Organisation TAG (http://www.takeactionglobal.org/), whose mission is to create opportunities for students anywhere in the world where they can take action in social causes. TAG and NATIVES share common values and inspire each other.
Through The Earth Project, TAG has the goal of empowering 1 billion students to take action for a cleaner environment by 2030. NATIVES joins this fantastic ambition.

TAG projects are supported by people and institutions that inspire us all. Their projects have been endorsed by HH. Dalai Lama, Dr. Jane Goodall, Charlize Theron, Princess Esméralda and President Michael D. Higgins (Ireland), to name a few.
TAG joins the NATIVES movement by proposing two leading international projects in the field of sustainability:
– Plastic Project (https://www.earthproject.org/plastic):
Students can do more than memorizing who invented plastic. They have the potential to come up with solutions and take meaningful actions. During this project students will learn to create their own bioplastics, but they’ll also learn that the carbon footprint of a paper bag is even worse than a re-usable plastic bag. That 80% of tap water has microplastics and that the plastic soup is not really tasty. During their journey they’ll be able to be creative, will have to think critically, collaborate on a global scale and solve real-world problems. Oh. And be beware. There may be empathy in the classroom. Bring the world into your classroom.
NATIVES schools that carry out this project will also receive an official plaque issued by the European Commission.
– Climate Action Project (www.climate-action.info):
Imagine a world in which youngsters across 6 continents connect virtually and solve one of the world’s most pressing challenges: Climate Change. The Climate Action Project is a free journey allowing teachers and students aged 6-22 to collaborate on global scale on climate change topics over the course of six exciting weeks: they will study causes and effects, will try to solve issues and take action. Their and societies’ mindsets will be changed.
This project is supported by Dr. Jane Goodall, United Nations Foundation, the Irish president and other world leaders. During the past years it was featured by National Geographic, BBC and 40 more national media.
The NATIVES schools will be allowed to access the projects through links and offer this great opportunity to their students.